Yesterday I had my first day of classes and I gotta say it was quiet awesome. I love my theatre classes and my other classes are not half bad. I think that Makeup for the stage is gonna be my favorite class, the teacher is amazing (Deborah :D) my friends are all there (including a surprise, Deborah! *different one*) I am enjoying life. The first post of Everyone Eats should be going up soon, we went to Sgt. Peppers Cafe :D
gotta go though, food awaits!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Everyone Eats
Well my faithful blog readers (there are two of you now, WOOT!) I have a new blog that I shall be working on with my good friend "Cris". He doesn't want me to reveal his identity...for some odd reason.. I really don't understand it. ANYWHO- the blog is about food. YES, food. Tasty food. Any food really. We will be visiting a new restaurant every single day. This will be the most expensive blog EVER. So it would be nice if people actually read the blog, therefore I ask of you to read it, there will be a new post every day and you might be surprised and find someplace you actually might want to eat at. (This is mostly directed at V, my only follower from MIAMI)
Here is the link to the blog. It is quiet awesome if I do say so myself. It also has some of my trademark humor, more than I put in here at least. So check it out, you might actually like it.
Here is the link to the blog. It is quiet awesome if I do say so myself. It also has some of my trademark humor, more than I put in here at least. So check it out, you might actually like it.
I rediscovered something cool i said
Darkness is a man made object, its secrets and terrors are human.
I may use this line for something, who knows?
What do you guys think?
I may use this line for something, who knows?
What do you guys think?
Sunday, August 23, 2009
New Evidence Suggests the government is lying to us
Yeah, big shocker there. This time its about the so called drug, Marijuana. We have been force fed false information about the "devils weed" for about 70 years now starting with anti-weed propaganda in the form of the film, Reefer madness. It makes you kill people, it kills you, it makes black people want to kiss white women... oh the HORROR!
Whats funny is different health organizations have been telling each president, marijuana is safe. It hasn't killed anyone and it is significantly less dangerous than smoking tobacco or drinking alcohol. The organizations then call for its legalization and the findings are promptly swept under the rug of democracy. Another such study has come up, declaring the marijuana smokers have significantly lower risks of getting head or neck cancers. Surprised? You should be. It has been shown that marijuana is actually a cancer inhibitor, it makes it hard for cancer cells to take hold or expand. It can even stop some forms of cancer completely.
Here is the actual study, for those intellects that would like to look over the research.
Here is the same information in an easier to understand format.
Whats funny is different health organizations have been telling each president, marijuana is safe. It hasn't killed anyone and it is significantly less dangerous than smoking tobacco or drinking alcohol. The organizations then call for its legalization and the findings are promptly swept under the rug of democracy. Another such study has come up, declaring the marijuana smokers have significantly lower risks of getting head or neck cancers. Surprised? You should be. It has been shown that marijuana is actually a cancer inhibitor, it makes it hard for cancer cells to take hold or expand. It can even stop some forms of cancer completely.
Here is the actual study, for those intellects that would like to look over the research.
Here is the same information in an easier to understand format.
Friday, August 21, 2009

A New Zealand man apparently did not agree. His family had owned one for quiet some time but eventually they decided that it had become a pest. So they decided to do what any family would do.
They decided to cook it. Yes. They cooked their family pet and ate it for dinner.
And do you know what the law said about it?
Well, as long as the dog died in a humane way
it was ok
That is seriously what they said. Under New Zealands Animal Welfare act, if an animal is killed quickly and painlessly it is completely legal.
The dog in question was hit in the head with a hammer, knocked unconscious and its throat slit. Before being skinned and put onto the "barbie".
Nothing like some hot dog.
What has the world come to?
We all know how hyped up Twilight is. We all know its a steaming pile of shit. It is also an extremely easy read and borrows the most cliche situations and dialogue I have ever seen. The characters are bland and flat, the Vampires are not even cool, and they sparkle. What self respecting author would make a Vampire sparkle in the sun?!? Its lunacy.
Anywho, the reason I decided to come out on this hate tirade is I discovered something that needs to be shared. Many people do not know yet but Stephenie Myer, the plagiarist...oops I mean author of the Twilight series, apparently stole scenes and situations from... you guessed it, a book written by a 15 year old girl. No joke. The book in question is called, The Nocturne, written by Jordan Scott. She was fifteen at the time. Myer's book, Breaking Dawn, has startling similarities to the story, including most of the situations and some of the actual text. Of course Meyer is denying it, but why I think it is a genuine case of plagiarism is the fact that Jordan Scott is not suing Myer for money. Nope, she only wants her work to be recognized and not stolen. Considering how widely popular the books are (and I still don't know why) asking for money would seem to be the thing to do, what motivation would she have to not ask for money? It would be down right stupid to not ask for money unless the claim is real. Hopefully this will be resolved and Stephenie Myer will be written off as a two-bit hack.
Read more about the supposed plagiarism Here
Anywho, the reason I decided to come out on this hate tirade is I discovered something that needs to be shared. Many people do not know yet but Stephenie Myer, the plagiarist...oops I mean author of the Twilight series, apparently stole scenes and situations from... you guessed it, a book written by a 15 year old girl. No joke. The book in question is called, The Nocturne, written by Jordan Scott. She was fifteen at the time. Myer's book, Breaking Dawn, has startling similarities to the story, including most of the situations and some of the actual text. Of course Meyer is denying it, but why I think it is a genuine case of plagiarism is the fact that Jordan Scott is not suing Myer for money. Nope, she only wants her work to be recognized and not stolen. Considering how widely popular the books are (and I still don't know why) asking for money would seem to be the thing to do, what motivation would she have to not ask for money? It would be down right stupid to not ask for money unless the claim is real. Hopefully this will be resolved and Stephenie Myer will be written off as a two-bit hack.
Read more about the supposed plagiarism Here
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
When movies make you say WHAT!?
I don't normally knock a movie without first seeing the trailer. A trailer supposedly embodies the movie and makes you want to see it.
I heard what this movie was about...and I literally said WHAT!??
Yes, this is one of those movies that should never exist. One of those movies that whoever decided it was a good idea, should be shot.
I can understand book adaptations. Most are decent films. Not as good as the book, but decent. Where the Wild things are is coming out soon and I am dying to see it, I loved the book and the trailer looks amazing.
But this....this adaptation doesn't make sense. There can't really be a doesn' that way....
I am of course talking about the fact that there is a "Where's Waldo" movie in the works. Yes you read correctly, a WHERES FUCKING WALDO movie. I hope it isn't going to be two hours of us looking at a dynamic moving scene and looking for the iconic character.
This is complete and utter madness. And not the good kind of madness. This is the kind of madness I would get a halfnaked man to kick into a neverending hole.

and Yet I think I will watch it..mostly to make fun of it. I did that with "The Happening". Seriously bad movie for your information.
Just thought I would share that news...
Wheres fucking waldo....
god damn the movie industry.
Here you can find some info on this horrific tale
I heard what this movie was about...and I literally said WHAT!??
Yes, this is one of those movies that should never exist. One of those movies that whoever decided it was a good idea, should be shot.
I can understand book adaptations. Most are decent films. Not as good as the book, but decent. Where the Wild things are is coming out soon and I am dying to see it, I loved the book and the trailer looks amazing.
But this....this adaptation doesn't make sense. There can't really be a doesn' that way....
I am of course talking about the fact that there is a "Where's Waldo" movie in the works. Yes you read correctly, a WHERES FUCKING WALDO movie. I hope it isn't going to be two hours of us looking at a dynamic moving scene and looking for the iconic character.
This is complete and utter madness. And not the good kind of madness. This is the kind of madness I would get a halfnaked man to kick into a neverending hole.

and Yet I think I will watch it..mostly to make fun of it. I did that with "The Happening". Seriously bad movie for your information.
Just thought I would share that news...
Wheres fucking waldo....
god damn the movie industry.
Here you can find some info on this horrific tale
Well I watched it
Well I went out tonight to watch a certain film. That certain film is called District 9.
What can I say that hasn't already been written or said aloud.
I was bowled over.
It wasn't at all what I was expecting but in my opinion it met the hype that it created.
Surprisingly the two most human characters in this movie were the two main Prawns, Christopher and his son. I really don't know what else to say, I really loved it. There was soooo much to take in and absorb.
My favorite weapon? The one that makes people explode. Just...poof! It was freakin awesome. :D
The things those aliens endured and the atrocities that the humans committed...the scary thing is, I really do think that it would happen like that. Exploiting them, studying them, experimenting and murdering them. I have little faith in the governments of the human race.
In other news, I have work tomorrow, woohoo... I may not be excited but I am kind of happy. I have grown to except my job. It is easy, the hours are flexible and it pays decently. I may not like the managers (actually just one of them...KATHY) but in the end it isn't that bad of a job. And I am working more. I opened my availability from the weekends to monday wednesday friday saturday and sunday, leaving tuesday and thursday for class. I think I might actually have money, which is great. Money is very useful
What can I say that hasn't already been written or said aloud.
I was bowled over.
It wasn't at all what I was expecting but in my opinion it met the hype that it created.
Surprisingly the two most human characters in this movie were the two main Prawns, Christopher and his son. I really don't know what else to say, I really loved it. There was soooo much to take in and absorb.
My favorite weapon? The one that makes people explode. Just...poof! It was freakin awesome. :D
The things those aliens endured and the atrocities that the humans committed...the scary thing is, I really do think that it would happen like that. Exploiting them, studying them, experimenting and murdering them. I have little faith in the governments of the human race.
In other news, I have work tomorrow, woohoo... I may not be excited but I am kind of happy. I have grown to except my job. It is easy, the hours are flexible and it pays decently. I may not like the managers (actually just one of them...KATHY) but in the end it isn't that bad of a job. And I am working more. I opened my availability from the weekends to monday wednesday friday saturday and sunday, leaving tuesday and thursday for class. I think I might actually have money, which is great. Money is very useful
Monday, August 17, 2009
The Countess (A short story)
“Lady Bathory will see you in a moment” the stout young man said to me, before walking away. I had never before seen such a small man. It was as if god himself has come down and molded the clay that was this man, shaping him exactly the same way... but he ran out of clay half way through and made due. His name was Janos Ujvary. "But you may call me Ficko." He had said, "Everyone else does." Its funny how the countess would have such a young servant. Then again, how would I know anything about how Countess’s think, let alone how they choose their servants. I waited outside the gynaeceum for the Countess. I waited a long while in that room outside, thinking of how she would teach me to be proper, to act as a noble women. That of course is why I am here, to learn from the Noble Erzsebet Bathory. Many a girl before me had come to learn from her, and many a girl before me left as ladies. My sister before me had come to learn, and left a much greater person. She never really did talk about her classes with the Countess much. She never really talked much at all really. I suppose its just part of being a lady. Speak when spoken to, that sort of thing. The door to the gynaeceum opened slowly and from the adjacent room stepped a gorgeous creature I can only suppose is Lady Bathory. She walked into the room, no it cant really be described as was more like she glided into the room. Her skin was milky white and had the appearance of the skin of a white lily. She wore a blood red corset, which hugged her waist and fit tightly across her, on top of that she wore an elegant blouse, also red in color making her look all the more beautiful. She smiled in my direction, and I attempted to smile back, but the most I could muster was a small half smile. She walked (glided) over towards me, her figure growing with each step, until she towered over me.
“You are here to learn. You will speak nothing unless asked, you will speak nothing of these lessons. Not to a soul. Do you understand?” Her voice washed over me leaving me dumbfounded at how god could create such a creature of beauty. I thought to myself, This must be what Eve looked like when god fashioned her from Adams rib. I nodded, of course I understood. Not a word. And so my lessons began.
I learned such simple things such as how to walk like royalty, how to talk like a lady, and more complicated things, like which is the salad fork and which is the soup spoon. Everyday I woke up at 6 AM, and every day at 7 AM I was at Lady Bathorys door. It was always opened by either Ficko or the other servant Dorko. By 7:30 I was with the Countess in the gynaeceum. This routine continued for several more weeks, leading into winter. I rarely saw the same servants twice, save for Ficko and Dorko. It seemed that the Lady had a steady stream of servant girls ready and waiting. Winter came, and I noticed a change in the Lady I had come to know and respect. She was moody, and frequently lashed out at servants when they passed by. There was not a single servant in the house without at least one bruise, including Ficko and Dorko. I soon came to dread my time with the Countess, however beautiful she was. It finally came to a day, late into winter, when I finally saw the Countess for what she was. The night had brought a snow flurry, and the landscape was painted with white caps. I woke up, as usual, at 6 AM and by 7:30 I was once again being taught by the Countess. She smiled at me but I could finally see it for what it was, a sinister mask behind which she could hide herself. Her skin, what I once thought of as white and lily like was no more than a pale imitation of life. She grinned, circling around me. I no longer felt safe, I no longer felt like a lady.
“Such pretty skin.” She said smoothly, devoid of any emotion. I blushed, a reaction to the words more than anything. “Such lovely skin, filled with so much life...” She cooed. “Lets walk.” She uttered breathlessly. I wanted nothing else but to run away from this place, but I could not. I nodded, and she led me out of the room. She led me into the garden, to the side of Castle Cachtice. She began talking to me in a voice I had never heard before, the voice of a women who had lost something, who was craving something. “I have grown to love you, Anna. You have followed me so diligently over the months. It really is a shame...” the Countess turned to me, grinning. She pulled from around her waist an ornate rope. I did not know what to think, what to do. Lady Bathory grabbed me, and at her cold vice like grip, I came to my senses. I struggled and screamed as she wrestled with me. I screamed loudly, screamed for anyone help me, and out of the corner of my eyes I saw Ficko and Dorko, my saviors have come to rescue me! They rushed to my side, but not to save me from the Countess' grip, but to help her hold me down. They held me tight as I struggled and screamed, as the Countess tied the rope around my wrists. She looped it over a tree branch over head. With strength I could have never imagined she hoisted me up until I was dangling feet above the snow covered ground. She took out a pair of ornate tailoring scissors and snipped away at my coat. She grinned all the while. Ficko and Dorko stood farther back, staring at the floor, taking every precaution to avoid my broken and sad visage. The monster I had known as the Countess left, and I praised that I was not dead. "Why? Why does she do this to me!" I yelled. Dorko said nothing, keeping her eyes to the floor.
"She is..twisted." Ficko muttered, barely a whisper, "She is sick...she needs people to hurt, women to massacre. To bathe in their blood. She wants to live forever you see..." The Countess returned with a basin of water and Ficko fell silent. She dipped a cloth into the water and began rubbing it on every inch of my body. Before long I had no feeling in my feet or hands. It was weird knowing that they were there, that they were in pain but that I could feel nothing, no sensation at all. She poured the rest of the basin over my head, and stood back to watch. I shivered in the cold winter air. Ice crept up my ankle, up my arms and onto my once bright and cheery chest. I tried to breathe deeply, but the ice constricted my chest and all I got was a small wheeze. And all the while the lady I had once respected, the lady I had thought I had known stood there staring deeply at my frozen visage, staring and smiling her manic smile. My last thoughts were dedicated to her. I now knew why she seemed to have a steady stream of servants. And how many a pupil will come... but not all will go on.
“You are here to learn. You will speak nothing unless asked, you will speak nothing of these lessons. Not to a soul. Do you understand?” Her voice washed over me leaving me dumbfounded at how god could create such a creature of beauty. I thought to myself, This must be what Eve looked like when god fashioned her from Adams rib. I nodded, of course I understood. Not a word. And so my lessons began.
I learned such simple things such as how to walk like royalty, how to talk like a lady, and more complicated things, like which is the salad fork and which is the soup spoon. Everyday I woke up at 6 AM, and every day at 7 AM I was at Lady Bathorys door. It was always opened by either Ficko or the other servant Dorko. By 7:30 I was with the Countess in the gynaeceum. This routine continued for several more weeks, leading into winter. I rarely saw the same servants twice, save for Ficko and Dorko. It seemed that the Lady had a steady stream of servant girls ready and waiting. Winter came, and I noticed a change in the Lady I had come to know and respect. She was moody, and frequently lashed out at servants when they passed by. There was not a single servant in the house without at least one bruise, including Ficko and Dorko. I soon came to dread my time with the Countess, however beautiful she was. It finally came to a day, late into winter, when I finally saw the Countess for what she was. The night had brought a snow flurry, and the landscape was painted with white caps. I woke up, as usual, at 6 AM and by 7:30 I was once again being taught by the Countess. She smiled at me but I could finally see it for what it was, a sinister mask behind which she could hide herself. Her skin, what I once thought of as white and lily like was no more than a pale imitation of life. She grinned, circling around me. I no longer felt safe, I no longer felt like a lady.
“Such pretty skin.” She said smoothly, devoid of any emotion. I blushed, a reaction to the words more than anything. “Such lovely skin, filled with so much life...” She cooed. “Lets walk.” She uttered breathlessly. I wanted nothing else but to run away from this place, but I could not. I nodded, and she led me out of the room. She led me into the garden, to the side of Castle Cachtice. She began talking to me in a voice I had never heard before, the voice of a women who had lost something, who was craving something. “I have grown to love you, Anna. You have followed me so diligently over the months. It really is a shame...” the Countess turned to me, grinning. She pulled from around her waist an ornate rope. I did not know what to think, what to do. Lady Bathory grabbed me, and at her cold vice like grip, I came to my senses. I struggled and screamed as she wrestled with me. I screamed loudly, screamed for anyone help me, and out of the corner of my eyes I saw Ficko and Dorko, my saviors have come to rescue me! They rushed to my side, but not to save me from the Countess' grip, but to help her hold me down. They held me tight as I struggled and screamed, as the Countess tied the rope around my wrists. She looped it over a tree branch over head. With strength I could have never imagined she hoisted me up until I was dangling feet above the snow covered ground. She took out a pair of ornate tailoring scissors and snipped away at my coat. She grinned all the while. Ficko and Dorko stood farther back, staring at the floor, taking every precaution to avoid my broken and sad visage. The monster I had known as the Countess left, and I praised that I was not dead. "Why? Why does she do this to me!" I yelled. Dorko said nothing, keeping her eyes to the floor.
"She is..twisted." Ficko muttered, barely a whisper, "She is sick...she needs people to hurt, women to massacre. To bathe in their blood. She wants to live forever you see..." The Countess returned with a basin of water and Ficko fell silent. She dipped a cloth into the water and began rubbing it on every inch of my body. Before long I had no feeling in my feet or hands. It was weird knowing that they were there, that they were in pain but that I could feel nothing, no sensation at all. She poured the rest of the basin over my head, and stood back to watch. I shivered in the cold winter air. Ice crept up my ankle, up my arms and onto my once bright and cheery chest. I tried to breathe deeply, but the ice constricted my chest and all I got was a small wheeze. And all the while the lady I had once respected, the lady I had thought I had known stood there staring deeply at my frozen visage, staring and smiling her manic smile. My last thoughts were dedicated to her. I now knew why she seemed to have a steady stream of servants. And how many a pupil will come... but not all will go on.
Yeah, this is gonna start off as one of those posts where the blogger (Thats me!) tells his audience (that would be you V...and anyone else who happens onto this blog) that he is sorry that he hasn't blogged his life in awhile. Truth be told, I haven't done much.
Well, a small re-cap of life since last Tuesday. Hung out with Eric and Desi a few more times, and I haven't been to work since last Monday. Speaking of work, I work tomorrow..I mean today. Lucky me. Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Something for me to actually feel lucky for is the fact I now have a TV in my room. Yes, an actual TV. A decently amazing TV. A 32 inch HD 1080p TV. With a Blue-Ray DvD player. Yes, quiet awesome If I do say so.
Played some pool earlier with a friend. Felt amazing to finally win some games fair and square. All of them actually :)
And I almost won a game on the break, which made me very proud. The eight ball moved to the other side of the table and settled near a corner pocket.
Just finished watching a movie on my new TV. It was called Slam. I have seen it before, but It is still amazing. It is kind of hard to describe but it deals with this guy and how he is sent to prison for a really stupid drug charge and he finds solace in his words and poetry. Starring one of my favorite poets, Saul Williams. That guy is the shit!
I wrote something kind of similar to the things he writes, but It is no where near as good...
The Sandman
still, I think it deserves a post, so there it be in all its glory (NOTE: I said so there it be on purpose, I am not grammatically ignorant...mostly)
I can't wait to get paid on Wednesday, because I would like to go to the movies. I have heard several of my friends say how AMMMMMAAAAZZZINNNGGG District 9 is, So I think I must check it out. Call me if you want to come with. :D
I haven't made Sliders in awhile... I should make them soon.
Speaking of making food, I decided that on Tuesday I am making Deviled Eggs. Seems easy enough...and Deviled Eggs are so damn tasty...mmmmmmm, my Stomach is growling at just the thought of them.
Hmm..I have been reading through old stories of mine and I notice that my writing voice has changed quiet a bit. I don't really know if It changed for good or not. I really like this short story I wrote last year...its pretty well written..and I doesn't sound like my usual stuff either, I might just post it right after I finish this blog up...which is about to begin winding up...right..about.....NOW
yup, thats it...the end.
Talk to you later
Well, a small re-cap of life since last Tuesday. Hung out with Eric and Desi a few more times, and I haven't been to work since last Monday. Speaking of work, I work tomorrow..I mean today. Lucky me. Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Something for me to actually feel lucky for is the fact I now have a TV in my room. Yes, an actual TV. A decently amazing TV. A 32 inch HD 1080p TV. With a Blue-Ray DvD player. Yes, quiet awesome If I do say so.
Played some pool earlier with a friend. Felt amazing to finally win some games fair and square. All of them actually :)
And I almost won a game on the break, which made me very proud. The eight ball moved to the other side of the table and settled near a corner pocket.
Just finished watching a movie on my new TV. It was called Slam. I have seen it before, but It is still amazing. It is kind of hard to describe but it deals with this guy and how he is sent to prison for a really stupid drug charge and he finds solace in his words and poetry. Starring one of my favorite poets, Saul Williams. That guy is the shit!
I wrote something kind of similar to the things he writes, but It is no where near as good...
The Sandman
You know me as I know you.
I visit you before you lay your head down
Drizzle sand into your eyes; to dream.
Dreams seamless like the vast openness
Of space.
What is real? What is not real?
Becomes blurred; running away
Like chalk in a sunstorm.
Sun spots, the roar of a cosmic
Wind that shuffles cosmic
Leaves and blows away worlds
Like dust in a storm.
Roaring, throwing, blurring,
Blinding your eyes.
You know me as I know you.
I am the sting of sand on your face.
I am the grit stuck in your hair.
I am the blood that drips from your open wound,
Filling up time like air fills the sky.
You think what you dream is new?
That your imaginary world is your own?
You were born on the intraweb of consciousness.
Flowing through new ideas at speeds you
Cannot comprehend.
You assimilate them, change them. But they are
NOT your own.
Born of another time, another place
From someone you don’t know.
There is a vast wealth of knowledge
Held in that finite space you call the mind.
Information is stored for centuries; carried
Through time like hand me downs, discarded at birth
But always there.
You were born on it,
You live on it,
The intraweb of consciousness.
You know me as I know you.
I visit you as you lay down to rest,
Fill your eyes with dreams.
I am just passing through, take no notice
Of the man with a bag filled with
Grains of time.
Take no notice;
I am neither here nor there,
Just a shadow hidden
In your thoughts.
I know you as you know me.
The dreamer of dreams.
The Sandman.
still, I think it deserves a post, so there it be in all its glory (NOTE: I said so there it be on purpose, I am not grammatically ignorant...mostly)
I can't wait to get paid on Wednesday, because I would like to go to the movies. I have heard several of my friends say how AMMMMMAAAAZZZINNNGGG District 9 is, So I think I must check it out. Call me if you want to come with. :D
I haven't made Sliders in awhile... I should make them soon.
Speaking of making food, I decided that on Tuesday I am making Deviled Eggs. Seems easy enough...and Deviled Eggs are so damn tasty...mmmmmmm, my Stomach is growling at just the thought of them.
Hmm..I have been reading through old stories of mine and I notice that my writing voice has changed quiet a bit. I don't really know if It changed for good or not. I really like this short story I wrote last year...its pretty well written..and I doesn't sound like my usual stuff either, I might just post it right after I finish this blog up...which is about to begin winding up...right..about.....NOW
yup, thats it...the end.
Talk to you later
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Eh, it wasn't so bad today. Really boring mostly. It was really slow...and very very hot. Can you imagine walking around an asphalt parking lot in 90 some odd degree weather for thirty minutes while collecting carts?
It was atrocious. Blah.
Yesterday...well by now I should say sunday, Me and Eric went on an epic journey. It began innocent enough, a game of pool. We played and had fun, and I made some pretty damn good shots. Then we went to Wendy's for fooooood. And then we had an idea. It was around 8:30. We thought, hey...wouldn't it be awesome if we went and got the Bleach Season 3 box set now and we can watch it. And so we quickly thought of all the places we could get it, and we were off. First stop, Best Buy. Yeah, it probably has it but surprisingly it closes at 7:30 on Then we check Barnes and Nobel next door, just in case. Nothing. We hopped into the Camaro and off we went, heading for the nearest Target. On the way we ran into a K-mart, so we thought we would check it out. At this point its 8:43. We figured since it was Sunday shit would close at 9 so if we wanted those discs, we would have to find it fast. We raced into the shopping center and into the electronics section only to find...they have a very pitiful video section. Extremely pitiful. So we dashed out of the store and flung ourselves into the Camaro and sped off for the Target. We reached it at 8:51. We rushed into the soon to be closed store and looked for the DvDs...and we found that like K-mart, Targets selection of DvD's failed to meet any expectations. And we became stumped. Where to go next we wondered. And then it hit me. A mile or so away, next to a Steak n Shake, A walmart. OF COURSE, Walmart had to have it! AND being the corporate hound it is, its probably open late cause they dont give a crap about religion. So we decided that Walmart was our next stop. We raced to Walmart, glad to see the parking lot was still packed. Considerably so actually. When we went into the store, it was extremely busy. We ran to the electronics department, and there...sitting on a shelf by its lonesome self, Was Bleach Season 3 Box Set. It was the only Bleach item on the shelf. No other DvD's or Box sets. Just the one we wanted. For twenty dollars cheaper than Best Buy. And so concluded our epic adventure. We watched a few episodes with Desi and then went home. I know, not as awesome of an ending, but all in all I loved it. :)
It was atrocious. Blah.
Yesterday...well by now I should say sunday, Me and Eric went on an epic journey. It began innocent enough, a game of pool. We played and had fun, and I made some pretty damn good shots. Then we went to Wendy's for fooooood. And then we had an idea. It was around 8:30. We thought, hey...wouldn't it be awesome if we went and got the Bleach Season 3 box set now and we can watch it. And so we quickly thought of all the places we could get it, and we were off. First stop, Best Buy. Yeah, it probably has it but surprisingly it closes at 7:30 on Then we check Barnes and Nobel next door, just in case. Nothing. We hopped into the Camaro and off we went, heading for the nearest Target. On the way we ran into a K-mart, so we thought we would check it out. At this point its 8:43. We figured since it was Sunday shit would close at 9 so if we wanted those discs, we would have to find it fast. We raced into the shopping center and into the electronics section only to find...they have a very pitiful video section. Extremely pitiful. So we dashed out of the store and flung ourselves into the Camaro and sped off for the Target. We reached it at 8:51. We rushed into the soon to be closed store and looked for the DvDs...and we found that like K-mart, Targets selection of DvD's failed to meet any expectations. And we became stumped. Where to go next we wondered. And then it hit me. A mile or so away, next to a Steak n Shake, A walmart. OF COURSE, Walmart had to have it! AND being the corporate hound it is, its probably open late cause they dont give a crap about religion. So we decided that Walmart was our next stop. We raced to Walmart, glad to see the parking lot was still packed. Considerably so actually. When we went into the store, it was extremely busy. We ran to the electronics department, and there...sitting on a shelf by its lonesome self, Was Bleach Season 3 Box Set. It was the only Bleach item on the shelf. No other DvD's or Box sets. Just the one we wanted. For twenty dollars cheaper than Best Buy. And so concluded our epic adventure. We watched a few episodes with Desi and then went home. I know, not as awesome of an ending, but all in all I loved it. :)
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Oh how I hate work. It isn't fun, not at all. There is nothing fun about putting people's groceries in bags and into their cars. Especially if the people are dickwads. But tip is very good, non-taxable money rules! I made 23 bucks today on tip alone. Nothing to interesting ever happens at my job. I remember when I first started three years ago, the first week in I had to call for a doctor because a man in the line I was bagging for began to have a stroke/heart attack. One of those, can't remember. Another time there was a shooting like right outside, while I was collecting carts. Domestic Abuse I believe. I was collecting carts, as usual, and a car on the highway stopped, and a girl jumped out and went over the edge of the incline, climbed a fence and into the parking lot of Publix. A guy got out of the car, pulled a gun and popped a few bullets at her and drove off. They missed of course and the police were all over it but they never found the girl. But that was a few years ago. Nothing ever happens now, and I dread going to work. The one thing I hate about my Job the most is not the manager, who is one horrible person btw, but the fact they don't allow facial hair. No beard, No goatee, nothing but a mustache...which kinda sucks. I look damn good with a beard.
Whatever. I might go play pool later, that should take my mind off the horribleness of Work.
I heard some troubling news today, something about cocaine being found in Billy Mays system. I know most people are saying how that doesn't surprise them, considering how in your face he was in the infomercials, but I frankly am shocked. I hope that it isn't true, or that maybe the information was fudged somehow. I don't know, but Billy Mays didn't seem like the guy to do drugs, he seemed above that. He had a young daughter and a full grown son and I don't know, he didn't seem like someone that would use cocaine.
People are never what the seem I guess :\
I started watching Bleach at the insistence of my friend Eric. He gave me the first season on DVD and I watched it all in about two days. Then he gave me the second season and I finished it last night. Sadly, he doesn't have the third season :( And I REAAALLLLLYY want to continue the series, it is quiet good. I don't normally like animes, they seem very odd to me. I mean, I only watch two of them, not including Bleach, I watched Naruto for awhile, but I haven't in awhile and Mar Heaven, which again, I haven't seen in awhile. But Bleach happens to be really good, with a decent story line. So I guess I shall keep watching it.
Another Show I want to continue watching is Lost. Its on the last season! GAH! I want it to finally begin, lol.
And Heroes, that needs to start up again too. Sylar as Nathan? Nathan being dead? Sylar not having memory of him being Sylar? Its insanity.
I might get to see an old friend sunday, that would be great :D I haven't seen her in yearrrssss.
I want school to start already, this whole not seeing my theatre peeps sucks. I mean, I see Vania occasionally, but everyone else disappeared :(
Question: Why do they release autopsy reports to the public?
I can understand when the death is suspicious, or their death caused someone elses like in a car crash... but what about the people that die in their sleep? From a disease that we all knew they had. I am of course on Billy Mays again.
What good can come from us knowing he used cocaine? or anything for that matter. Its a defamation of character...and he isn't around to defend himself. Its cowardly and just plain mean. He should be remembered for his infomercials, his larger than life personality, for the way he cared for his family and loved his job. For the way he interacted with people, how he cared for his friends, like Sully.. We shouldn't remember him through an autopsy report...I don't know, it just Irks me. That should be for the families eyes only.
The things blogging brings out. I probably wouldn't have even talked about this subject unless I had to, and this blog is forcing me to write. It really is a great experience. Coming up with topics and going with them. Once something starts coming out, it doesn't stop until its done.
I guess I be done for now. BUT I promise I will be back :D
I think I have some ideas for this blog. I might find some random news stories and do a little piece on them, see what you guys think.. if there is anyone actually reading these, lol.
Whatever. I might go play pool later, that should take my mind off the horribleness of Work.
I heard some troubling news today, something about cocaine being found in Billy Mays system. I know most people are saying how that doesn't surprise them, considering how in your face he was in the infomercials, but I frankly am shocked. I hope that it isn't true, or that maybe the information was fudged somehow. I don't know, but Billy Mays didn't seem like the guy to do drugs, he seemed above that. He had a young daughter and a full grown son and I don't know, he didn't seem like someone that would use cocaine.
People are never what the seem I guess :\
I started watching Bleach at the insistence of my friend Eric. He gave me the first season on DVD and I watched it all in about two days. Then he gave me the second season and I finished it last night. Sadly, he doesn't have the third season :( And I REAAALLLLLYY want to continue the series, it is quiet good. I don't normally like animes, they seem very odd to me. I mean, I only watch two of them, not including Bleach, I watched Naruto for awhile, but I haven't in awhile and Mar Heaven, which again, I haven't seen in awhile. But Bleach happens to be really good, with a decent story line. So I guess I shall keep watching it.
Another Show I want to continue watching is Lost. Its on the last season! GAH! I want it to finally begin, lol.
And Heroes, that needs to start up again too. Sylar as Nathan? Nathan being dead? Sylar not having memory of him being Sylar? Its insanity.
I might get to see an old friend sunday, that would be great :D I haven't seen her in yearrrssss.
I want school to start already, this whole not seeing my theatre peeps sucks. I mean, I see Vania occasionally, but everyone else disappeared :(
Question: Why do they release autopsy reports to the public?
I can understand when the death is suspicious, or their death caused someone elses like in a car crash... but what about the people that die in their sleep? From a disease that we all knew they had. I am of course on Billy Mays again.
What good can come from us knowing he used cocaine? or anything for that matter. Its a defamation of character...and he isn't around to defend himself. Its cowardly and just plain mean. He should be remembered for his infomercials, his larger than life personality, for the way he cared for his family and loved his job. For the way he interacted with people, how he cared for his friends, like Sully.. We shouldn't remember him through an autopsy report...I don't know, it just Irks me. That should be for the families eyes only.
The things blogging brings out. I probably wouldn't have even talked about this subject unless I had to, and this blog is forcing me to write. It really is a great experience. Coming up with topics and going with them. Once something starts coming out, it doesn't stop until its done.
I guess I be done for now. BUT I promise I will be back :D
I think I have some ideas for this blog. I might find some random news stories and do a little piece on them, see what you guys think.. if there is anyone actually reading these, lol.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Mid-Life Crisis: THE MUSICAL!
Eh, it was ok. Thats all I really got to say. The acting was pretty good, and so was the singing. I just didn't like the script. It wasn't a story. It was just a bunch of little anecdotes. I mean, some parts were funny, but for the most part I was bored. But it's all good
It was better than being bored at home.
I am thinkin of moving to NYC. I mean, it seems only natural since I want to be an actor. Of course, this is in the far future, but I really think I want to go there.
gah, I just had a flashback to the one musical I actually did. Annie. There was a song, called NYC, that just popped into my head
NYC...the shimmer of times square!
Speaking of NYC, I actually have a friend up there. Well near there. IN New Jersey actually. Her name is Maria, but I call her Grillo...cause thats her last name and it sounds way cooler than Maria. Funny story on how I met her.
I was on facebook. And I saw someone I didn't know on my "Friends online" thing, so I facebook chatted her and we talked and well yeah. She randomly added my on facebook and now we are really close friends. Ballin =]
God, my stomach is growling loudly. I wish I had meat, I really could go for some sliders right now. Perfect Sliders....ah, I shall miss you Billy Mays.
It was better than being bored at home.
I am thinkin of moving to NYC. I mean, it seems only natural since I want to be an actor. Of course, this is in the far future, but I really think I want to go there.
gah, I just had a flashback to the one musical I actually did. Annie. There was a song, called NYC, that just popped into my head
NYC...the shimmer of times square!
Speaking of NYC, I actually have a friend up there. Well near there. IN New Jersey actually. Her name is Maria, but I call her Grillo...cause thats her last name and it sounds way cooler than Maria. Funny story on how I met her.
I was on facebook. And I saw someone I didn't know on my "Friends online" thing, so I facebook chatted her and we talked and well yeah. She randomly added my on facebook and now we are really close friends. Ballin =]
God, my stomach is growling loudly. I wish I had meat, I really could go for some sliders right now. Perfect Sliders....ah, I shall miss you Billy Mays.
Favorite Words
If I think of more, I'll edit this post
If I think of more, I'll edit this post
Boredom truly does fail. As does waking up late. When you wake up at 12:30 it just feels wrong and I do it like every day. Sigh. Its all good.
Well Ill be seeing a play tonight, so that should be a fun pick-me up. I am starting to love this whole blogging thing cause it is forcing me to write. I haven't written a decent flash fiction in awhile, and the one I wrote and posted last night was not too shabby. Gotta remind myself to thank V for forcing me to get a blog, lol.
Is it just me or is summer overrated? We spend the entire time in school waiting for vacation but in the end unless you have money to spend you'll be doing nothing really. Staying home, surfing the net. And if you can get some money, then you can watch a movie or play some pool. But in the end, you always go back to wishing you saw your friends every day, or that you a play to be in. Back in January or February the one play I wasn't in, I hate Hamlet, I didn't know what to do with myself. Every night I would be home and bored, wishing I had some lines to memorize. Having it in your head, that in a few weeks you will be on stage and have hundreds of people watch you, its frightening and exhilarating at the same time. I live for that feeling I think. Maybe that feeling is the only reason I really want to be an actor. The mix of adrenaline and fear.
Well I think I am out for now, I may pop in later for a review of the play I am watching. Who knows, I might even write some more fictions... maybe even some poetry. Don't push your luck though :)
p.s. Time for some FOOOD
Well Ill be seeing a play tonight, so that should be a fun pick-me up. I am starting to love this whole blogging thing cause it is forcing me to write. I haven't written a decent flash fiction in awhile, and the one I wrote and posted last night was not too shabby. Gotta remind myself to thank V for forcing me to get a blog, lol.
Is it just me or is summer overrated? We spend the entire time in school waiting for vacation but in the end unless you have money to spend you'll be doing nothing really. Staying home, surfing the net. And if you can get some money, then you can watch a movie or play some pool. But in the end, you always go back to wishing you saw your friends every day, or that you a play to be in. Back in January or February the one play I wasn't in, I hate Hamlet, I didn't know what to do with myself. Every night I would be home and bored, wishing I had some lines to memorize. Having it in your head, that in a few weeks you will be on stage and have hundreds of people watch you, its frightening and exhilarating at the same time. I live for that feeling I think. Maybe that feeling is the only reason I really want to be an actor. The mix of adrenaline and fear.
Well I think I am out for now, I may pop in later for a review of the play I am watching. Who knows, I might even write some more fictions... maybe even some poetry. Don't push your luck though :)
p.s. Time for some FOOOD
What it means (A flash fiction)
The sky was bright blue, few clouds scarred its sight. The asphalt shimmered under the glare of the sun. There was a slight breeze that blew the leaves of the tree, pushing them against each other forcing them to hold on for dear life. The ants strolled lazily up the tree heaving grains of rice up and up into a knot and out of sight. A pidgin hooted once and then fell silent. The telephone pole was held up by nothing but the car, the hood pinning it against the brick wall. The hood itself was wrapped around it, steam hissing from its broken engine.
There is a terrible silence after an accident. It seems to stretch into forever. Time slows down and for a moment you actually understand what it means to be alive.
And just as suddenly as the silence began; the sounds of life returned. The ants crawled up the tree, the leaves shuffled amongst themselves, the pidgin hooted and the horn honked.
Sirens filled the air, mourning wail for the newly deceased.
There is a terrible silence after an accident. It seems to stretch into forever. Time slows down and for a moment you actually understand what it means to be alive.
And just as suddenly as the silence began; the sounds of life returned. The ants crawled up the tree, the leaves shuffled amongst themselves, the pidgin hooted and the horn honked.
Sirens filled the air, mourning wail for the newly deceased.
Todays hot news
Well I have officially become addicted. And not to some stupid drug or do the newest diet craze. No, I have become addicted to pool. How lame, I know. For the last few weeks I have been going to this place called "Sharp Shooters" for Happy hour. Their happy hour also means pool for 3.25. An amazing price if you ask me, so Ive been going every other day pretty much. And I can honestly say Ive gotten pretty decent. Nowhere near as awesome as my friend Eric, but decent. I can sink the right shots and what not. Sometimes, lol.
Apparently tomorrow I am going to see a musical for free, which is ballin :D
Its called Mid-Life Crisis the Musical, so it seems to be interesting. I know the stage manager so thats how I am getting in. IN case you didn't know, I am a theatre major. It what I want to do, being in theatre and/or films. Ive been working on it for the past 7 years, doing school plays and what not. A few weeks ago I actually got paid for being an extra, which was cool :) Can't wait till the movie actually comes out. It's called Up in the Air. Got to meet George Clooney, which was pretty awesome. He is a cool dude, not a prick like I would imagine some movie stars to be. He was down to earth and joked around with the rest of the cast and crew. I mean, you know how when you walk through an automatic glass door and sometimes you might wave your hand and pretend you have magical mind powers? Yeah, George Clooney totally did that. I even got to talk to him, I'll give you the play by play
George:These are some nice lamps. (He was looking at the lamps in the lobby of the hotel.
Me:Yeah these are pretty nice lamps.
George:I might get these for my room.
Me:You should, these are some nice lamps.
and thats pretty much it. The scene was about to start so we had to stop talking. I can't really talk about the scene (got to love non-disclosure agreements) but I will say one thing. The actress in it CANNOT cry for the life of her. Thats all im going to say, but jeeeez.
The last thing I was in has to be one of my favorites. It was a collection of short plays written by students from the college. The one that I was in that was my favorite was called Ratchet Men by Katherine Concepcion. It was one of the most difficult plays Ive done because the character was nowhere near who I am. In the play he was a cocaine snorting con-man. Quiet a twist for me.
What else to talk about I wonder?
Well I am looking for a new job. I have been working at the same place for three years now, Publix Supermarkets....gah what an abysmal hole. I am sure it is a lovely place to work when you have competent superiors. That is not the case at store #650.
The front service manager is a complete moron. So I have decided to find a new job, if thats possible in todays economy. I applied for Borders, I reaaaalllly hope they get back to me. I would love to work around books. I try to read at least one a week.
I guess thats all for now, If i think of more to write, I'll pop back in.
Till later :)
OH! and just letting you know, I might every so often pop in and write a poem or story. So yeah.
BYE now :)
Apparently tomorrow I am going to see a musical for free, which is ballin :D
Its called Mid-Life Crisis the Musical, so it seems to be interesting. I know the stage manager so thats how I am getting in. IN case you didn't know, I am a theatre major. It what I want to do, being in theatre and/or films. Ive been working on it for the past 7 years, doing school plays and what not. A few weeks ago I actually got paid for being an extra, which was cool :) Can't wait till the movie actually comes out. It's called Up in the Air. Got to meet George Clooney, which was pretty awesome. He is a cool dude, not a prick like I would imagine some movie stars to be. He was down to earth and joked around with the rest of the cast and crew. I mean, you know how when you walk through an automatic glass door and sometimes you might wave your hand and pretend you have magical mind powers? Yeah, George Clooney totally did that. I even got to talk to him, I'll give you the play by play
George:These are some nice lamps. (He was looking at the lamps in the lobby of the hotel.
Me:Yeah these are pretty nice lamps.
George:I might get these for my room.
Me:You should, these are some nice lamps.
and thats pretty much it. The scene was about to start so we had to stop talking. I can't really talk about the scene (got to love non-disclosure agreements) but I will say one thing. The actress in it CANNOT cry for the life of her. Thats all im going to say, but jeeeez.
The last thing I was in has to be one of my favorites. It was a collection of short plays written by students from the college. The one that I was in that was my favorite was called Ratchet Men by Katherine Concepcion. It was one of the most difficult plays Ive done because the character was nowhere near who I am. In the play he was a cocaine snorting con-man. Quiet a twist for me.
What else to talk about I wonder?
Well I am looking for a new job. I have been working at the same place for three years now, Publix Supermarkets....gah what an abysmal hole. I am sure it is a lovely place to work when you have competent superiors. That is not the case at store #650.
The front service manager is a complete moron. So I have decided to find a new job, if thats possible in todays economy. I applied for Borders, I reaaaalllly hope they get back to me. I would love to work around books. I try to read at least one a week.
I guess thats all for now, If i think of more to write, I'll pop back in.
Till later :)
OH! and just letting you know, I might every so often pop in and write a poem or story. So yeah.
BYE now :)
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Well I might as well join the lovely world of the blog. Maybe I can find someone interesting in hearing my ramblings and find something worth keeping. My name is Ian, and currently I am 19. I need to be forced to write, I know it sounds stupid but it works. Whenever I set out to write something, if I don't have a reason to do falls short. When I was in a creative writing class the deadlines are the reason my work got finished, and I liked what I wrote. I think by forcing myself to write in this blog I can hopefully become a better writer, who knows?
As to the title of this blog. I am a fan of Billy Mays. I major fan. That guy had the perfect voice for what he did and I was greatly saddened by his death. Two days ago my girlfriends mother, being the awesome person she is, gave me a "Perfect Slider", the same product that Billy Mays said was perfect for making those itty bitty awesome burgers. So, with those tasty burgers in mind, I created this blog. It won't be about the sliders, but the world they inhabit. Mine.
So sit back, relax...and try to make sense of my nonsensical ramblings.
As to the title of this blog. I am a fan of Billy Mays. I major fan. That guy had the perfect voice for what he did and I was greatly saddened by his death. Two days ago my girlfriends mother, being the awesome person she is, gave me a "Perfect Slider", the same product that Billy Mays said was perfect for making those itty bitty awesome burgers. So, with those tasty burgers in mind, I created this blog. It won't be about the sliders, but the world they inhabit. Mine.
So sit back, relax...and try to make sense of my nonsensical ramblings.
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