I heard what this movie was about...and I literally said WHAT!??
Yes, this is one of those movies that should never exist. One of those movies that whoever decided it was a good idea, should be shot.
I can understand book adaptations. Most are decent films. Not as good as the book, but decent. Where the Wild things are is coming out soon and I am dying to see it, I loved the book and the trailer looks amazing.
But this....this adaptation doesn't make sense. There can't really be a story...it doesn't...work that way....
I am of course talking about the fact that there is a "Where's Waldo" movie in the works. Yes you read correctly, a WHERES FUCKING WALDO movie. I hope it isn't going to be two hours of us looking at a dynamic moving scene and looking for the iconic character.
This is complete and utter madness. And not the good kind of madness. This is the kind of madness I would get a halfnaked man to kick into a neverending hole.

and Yet I think I will watch it..mostly to make fun of it. I did that with "The Happening". Seriously bad movie for your information.
Just thought I would share that news...
Wheres fucking waldo....
god damn the movie industry.
Here you can find some info on this horrific tale
DAMN!!! They are running out of ideas..