Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Well I watched it

Well I went out tonight to watch a certain film. That certain film is called District 9.
What can I say that hasn't already been written or said aloud.
I was bowled over.
It wasn't at all what I was expecting but in my opinion it met the hype that it created.
Surprisingly the two most human characters in this movie were the two main Prawns, Christopher and his son. I really don't know what else to say, I really loved it. There was soooo much to take in and absorb.
My favorite weapon? The one that makes people explode. Just...poof! It was freakin awesome. :D

The things those aliens endured and the atrocities that the humans committed...the scary thing is, I really do think that it would happen like that. Exploiting them, studying them, experimenting and murdering them. I have little faith in the governments of the human race.

In other news, I have work tomorrow, woohoo... I may not be excited but I am kind of happy. I have grown to except my job. It is easy, the hours are flexible and it pays decently. I may not like the managers (actually just one of them...KATHY) but in the end it isn't that bad of a job. And I am working more. I opened my availability from the weekends to monday wednesday friday saturday and sunday, leaving tuesday and thursday for class. I think I might actually have money, which is great. Money is very useful


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